Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Wow, I accidentally killed my blog when I posted code from AdSense into a HTML/Javascript Blogger box (okay, I'm a whore). I've since fixed it, although I now have no idea whether or not everything is working (i.e. whether or not I'm getting PAIIIIIIID), so we'll see. I did find it funny that one of my ads was "Asian American Blog" based on the very limited context of what's on this site already, haha.

Also, I've started looking for people on Prosper.com and it seems like a pretty sweet system. Granted, the amount of people with AA ratings and a verified bank account and are home owners is like < 10, but I'm hopeful... We'll see how well it works once I get the bank account link actually working, grrr... (could be faster but there's no WAY I'm giving them login access to my bank account, haha)

~hhh.cubed ^_^

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