Thursday, February 28, 2008


Darn! I missed posting yesterday! I ended up falling asleep on the couch until it was bedtime, then just went to bed. Yet I'm still tired somehow, hmmm... Well, to make it up to y'all here's an early post on Thursday. ;)

Well after three glorious days of gains, it looks like this short run is over. I've historically always been early and jumped the gun on things, but it looks like this time I missed my chance to sell. So what now? With the dollar at new lows, the market pulling a u-turn, investors need to keep reminding themselves, "how much worse will things get?" There's a chance the dollar has hit rock-bottom, yet there's also a chance things will get much, much worse. We're supposed to be in a recession, aren't we? Do I go into full-bear mode and invest in long-term fixed income? Or do I gamble a bit and buy my way down?

Well, let me put things into perspective: no matter what your long-term strategic approach is, as long as you bet on known players, such as IBM, AAPL, INTC, NOK -- who happen to look very attractive in terms of cost (P/E), or have a bright future ahead of them in regards to potential marketshare gains (AAPL), you're eventually going to win. As opposed to someone who's lost 75% of their portfolio's assets due to incredibly high-risk, unproven companies that eventually went bankrupt. Yes that kind of thing does happen. So you can definitely play it safe, yet win big in the long run.

On a side note, I am now starting to realize the whole "bidding" system driving I'm getting my bids rejected left and right, or being outbid by other lenders...! The contention on all of the AA-class borrowers is incredibly high, not to mention the very small playing field to begin with. I will definitely have to start being more aggressive with my bids. It's starting to look a lot more borrower-friendly than I ever imagined...

~hhh.cubed ^_^

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