Monday, March 3, 2008

Buying your way down

To followup with my last (depressing) post concerning economy/market slowdowns (which followed what I would call an optimistic post on investment strategy), it would seem like I've got my head in a bind. What's that, is he going slightly mad (no offense, Freddie)? Surely he must be confused, you all exclaim...!

Let me clarify my actual reasoning (and reassure everyone I'm not bound for the half-way house... yet): invest a bit now in commodities that look reasonably priced. Companies like IBM, Intel, and Nokia aren't going anywhere except up in the long-term. They're so undervalued right now that they look like a steal. And yes, while they may take a few hits for the worse in the short-term, in the long-term you'll be glad you took the plunge. That being said, all things in life are a gamble, so keep some extra cash handy to hedge your bets (bonus points if you literally are hedging with options) so you can buy your way down, or worst-case-scenario liquidate the doomed commodity and help pump dinero into a saving fund or ETF.

~hhh.cubed ^_^

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