Friday, February 22, 2008


Oops, looks like I missed my Thursday post by a few hours... damn. I was really hoping to keep up with the post-a-day level of blogging, but it looks like I've failed within the first week, haha.

That being said, the reason I didn't get a chance to do it is because I've been crazy busy lately, with both work and just trying to keep up with life. The fact that I work at a startup, as rewarding as it is, means I don't really have too much time for much else. If I'm not spending time with my girlfriend (or rarely, friends), then I'm working. Juggling just those two alone takes up 110% of my time. Then throw in family, more work, friends, even more work, and tracking my finances (including investments and research) and you can see why I always look like I have bags under my eyes. (it's because i do) Starbucks decaf grande skinny vanilla latte FTW! ;)

Slight digression... we had a guy come in for a second-round interview today that we unfortunately had to reject for employment. It's always sad to see someone with a great personality and almost-child-like enthusiasm get turned down because they weren't the perfect fit. I kind of wish everyone was qualified and you could simply pick the nicest and friendliest people to join your team. Too bad life doesn't work that way, and usually only the smartest (and often meanest) or most cutthroat people make the grade. There's got to be a better way...

~hhh.cubed ^_^

P.S. I wish I had a forum on this site...

P.S.S. I think cruising in my S2000 tomorrow will cheer me up a bit, or at least I hope...

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