Monday, February 25, 2008


Well, my money finally fully transferred into today and all $500 is vested currently. Let the formal test phase begin! Assuming everyone pays me back, it's a theoretical 14.40% interest rate, of which I'm thinking is realistically closer to 10% (that might prove to be overly optimistic). Overall it's a great idea and I'm hoping it will prove fruitful. I will keep y'all up to date!

BTW, I went ahead and created a group on called 'friendhelp' (still pending review, but I'm confident it will be approved). The goal of the group is that it will be a circle of tight-knit friends that keep promoting to their trustworthy friends (and so-on and so-forth) so eventually you have a big network of people who can trust one another and everybody wins, both lenders and borrowers! It should be win-win for everybody, with low overhead/hassle and preferrably no delinquencies. ;)

Check it out (once it gets approved) and let me know if you're interested in joining (it's set to invite-only).

~hhh.cubed ^_^

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