Farewell Gentoo...!!! It's been a long, fun 4 years, huh? We've had our ups and downs and fair-share of emotional trauma. Your emerge system was one of the best, but your library dependency problems and compilation errors made us not work out in the end. Oh, and let's not forget the time required to recover to a functional state when bad things happened (which was a lot). I guess we just weren't meant for each other. But I guess it's a good thing that we didn't find that out down the road, when the stakes were much, much higher.
Goodbye Gentoo... Goodbye, farewell, and good luck...
HELLO UBUNTU...!!! The younger, cuter sister to Debian, with your oh-so-tempting apt-get wrapper to your elegant dpkg package management system, and your sexy 6.06 LTS server edition and not 2 or 3 or 4, but _FIVE_ year support...! Wahoooooo!!!!!!!! Oh and let's not forget your bleeding-edge package repositories and enterprise-level support! Oh, how can I say no! YOWZA!!!
P.S. Oh, and *drool*:
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